Portrait of Neil Cockfield

Neil Cockfield

Head Coach

Neil served 13 and a half years in the army. During this time he played rugby to a good standard and started to enjoy the programming side of different sports and was lucky enough to work with some talented strength and conditioning coaches. This became a passion in Neil’s life which inspired his next steps to leaving the army and gain some qualifications in an industry he is passionate about.

He has a PT level 3 qualification and is currently working towards a British weightlifting Level 1 qualification, competed in weightlifting and high intensity events and continues to compete alongside some of our members. He has attended seminars hosted by some of the best athletes in the world and lucky enough to be coached by some of the best coaches in the north east.

Neil is unrelenting in his pursuit to develop perfect technique in all aspects of weightlifting, but in particular the Olympic Lifts: the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk.

He provides coaching that is progressive and structured and achievable by all age and abilities as it can be tailored to suit the individuals ability and believes in having fun in the process and making exercise something to look forward to and a part of every day life.

In Neil’s down time he enjoy’s music, the outdoors and exploring with his partner and two pugs who are the fittest in the North East! Neil is so passionate about the Lake District that he took up Ultra Running just so that he could ‘see more of the hills faster’. Bringing with him, a great understanding of endurance fitness and nutrition alongside some great exercises that are essential for injury prevention.